Empire House
This is a theatrical/video project lasting 90 minutes and performed in Catalan, Spanish or English by 2 English actors, Sue Flack and Caspar. The scenes are interspersed by a series of short film clips which parody the Pathé News so popular in wartime Britain. Empire House is a comedy offering a critical look at British society, its moral structure and in particular what lengths people will go to in times of crisis.
The action takes place in an English country house just before the outbreak of the Second World War. Empire House is the residence from a long line of aristocrats, but in particular Lady Sofie Montague; (who we have already seen in Dinner for One) her son, Lord Charles Montague and his wife, Lady Marjorie Montague. They are served by a loyal set of unusual and eccentric servants. The outbreak of war means that cutbacks must be made at the house. Lord Montague informs the servants that one of them will have to go. This devastating news sends the household into a spiral of panic, fear and betrayal, perhaps even murder will be committed..but worse than this the whole existence of Empire House is at stake. Sue Flack and Caspar take on all of the roles. With the help of an ingenious quick-change system of costumes, excellent make up and a large dose of talent, these two versatile actors regale us with a wide variety of characters taken straight from the well known British class system, with all its idiosyncrasies included. |
Watch the trailerDownload the dossier (PDF, in Spanish)What the critics sayEmpire House is currently - if you'll pardon the pun - under construction. When the curtain goes up and the verdicts are in, we'll be sure to add some reviews to this space!
Sketches of Empire House |